Seljalandsdoss, Iceland May 22.

Valahnúkamöl, Iceland May 22.

Gunnuhver Hot Springs, Iceland May 22. An area of high volcanic activity.

Hverir Springs, Iceland May 22

Hveririr Springs, Iceland May 22. The photo can't show the strong smell of Sulphur.

Grjótagjá cave, Iceland May 22. If you look closely Paul is in the background.

Vestrahorn, Iceland May 22. The sun came through and started to evaporate water from the wet, black sand.

Vestrahorn, Iceland May 22.  Strong winds pushed the clouds over the summit.

Jökulsárlón, Iceland May 22. The tide was pushing the icebergs to the left and the landscape constantly changing.

Jökulsárlón, Iceland May 22. Big waves smashed the ice onto the beach.

Svínafellsjökull glacier, Iceland May 22.

Svínafellsjökull glacier, Iceland May 22. There were a lot of bees pollinating the small flowers.

Bólstaðarhlíð, Iceland May 22

Vik Church

Öxarárfoss, Thingvellir National Park, Iceland May 22.

Seljalandsdoss, Iceland May 22.

Geyser, Iceland May 22.

Gullfoss, Iceland July 24

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